We just devote our lives to mercy:
step out into the street each day
and meet those in need to lend
our support and encouragement.
from: Charity in your name
Mercy is a process of seeing, being moved and coming into action. As Sisters of Charity, we do not face this task on our own. All religious, ethical and spiritual traditions are based on the principle of compassion. Fortunately, there are many other people who also express mercy in the way they live.As Sisters of Charity it is our task to show a heartfelt concern for people in need.
It is important to us dedicate ourselves to relieving the suffering of our fellow creatures, to do justice to the dignity of every human being and to treat other people as we would have them treat us. This is what we ask also of those who journey with us: concern yourselves with people who are less well off than others; not just at random, but moving from the process of seeing, being moved and coming into action; not alone, but together with partners inside and outside the Congregation.
We think it is important to do this wholeheartedly, but without forgetting yourself or others. It hope to contribute to a world where every human being is given his or her due.