Our community in Santa Rita is located in the district of Heitel Santiago in the basic community of Círio de Nazareth, which belongs to the parish of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in the district of Tibiri, where live the sisters Mary, Joérica and Lusinete. In our community, in addition to our daily personal and community prayer, we also have one day a month for prayer on our schedule to strengthen our faith and our lives as religious, especially now in times of pandemic. These moments are very important as sharing together enriches. In our weekly schedule is also a day of community study according to the Permanent training plan (we are never completely finished).
At the Dom Hélder Câmara Foundation, in Bayeux, we give our contribution according to local needs a few days a week. Sister Maria is always present in the Center for seniors in collaboration with Janaina. Sister Joérica makes herself available for the schools and also for the Foundation if necessary and Sr. Lusinete gives her contribution to the Mother Michael School.
In the pastoral, the sisters are present in the liturgical planning, the meetings of the basic community, the pastoral care for the elderly, mother and child care and they support the Movement of Mercy, both young people, adults and associates who live in this district . Together with the youth of the Movement of Mercy, they are working on a four-part program: spirituality, education, action and mission. The adults of the Movement come every two weeks for praying together here in Heitel. In Várzea Nova and Santa Rita the sisters try to be present once a month and offer help.
The sisters are also present in the struggle of the people, by supporting the people, when it comes to small and bigger claims; there are the manifestations where we hope for a better future for everyone. For example: the pilgrimage for the ground, women's day March 8, day of negro consciousness, day of the fight against sexual abuse and human trafficking and the cry of the excluded.
Our address:
Rua José Manuel do Nacimento, 25
Heitel Santiago
CEP. 58.300-000 SANTA RITA-PB
Available by phone number: +5583-3217-6044
For correspondence:
C.P. 54
CEP. 58.300-970 SANTA RITA-PB