In this community we dedicate ourselves to social work in the Centre Dom Hélder Câmara. Here we work daily with children, adolescents and the elderly. This takes place in the four different departments, namely: The school Mother of Mercy (Primary education), Centre Mother Michael (secondary primary education). Centre Dom Joannes Zwijsen develops sports and cultural workshops (sports, dance, music corps, judo, computer, library, extra lessons, catering for children and adolescents) and the Senior Centre does work similar of the Centre Dom Joannes Zwijsen, but with the elderly (crafts, gymnastics, dancing, games).
We are present at these activities during the day from Monday to Friday. We are also present in the youth pastoral. In the evenings and weekends we work on training and guiding of the catechists in the parish. We participate in Sunday celebrations and the Eucharist in the basic community and we pray together in the families.
We have prayer and discussion with the Movement of Mercy once a week and prayer and conversation with the associates once a month.
We participate in the inter-congregational meetings organized by the Brazilian Conference for Religious (CRB).
We are also present in the struggle of the people for better living conditions, especially for the poorest of the poor.
Furthermore, we have our own personal and communal prayer times and our study every day.
Our address:
Rua Francisco Pedro de Andrade, 901
Mario Andreazza
CEP. 58.309-760 BAYEUX-PB
Telephone: +5583-98815-1674