When we started after the Second Vatican Council to integrate with the people in our diocese in João Pessoa (Paraíba) Bishop Dom José Maria Pires invited the sisters to leave their large apostolic works, schools, hospitals and to go and live among the people. The goal was to be with them, to become one of them, and to be integrated into their environment, by living together, participating in their life, in their struggles, achievements, disappointments, sorrow and joy, and by helping them to grow in their faith, to make them aware of their rights, and to help them to be protagonists of their life, their history, and their growth.
The bishop advised us to remain as integrated small communities amongst the people for a period of six to nine years, and then to move on. Therefore, after seven years, we saw that the Ibó community could carry on independently without our physical presence, because during that time it had developed to take on its own responsibilities and its growth as a community. Therefore, we decided to close our religious community, so that the basic community could continue its growth.
We opened a new religious community in the city of Ibimirim in the Boa Vista neighborhood. Sisters Dalva and Graça are responsible for this new mission.
The Ibimirim community was founded in August 2019.
The initial proposal of the bishop of the Diocese, Dom Gabriel, was that the sisters would help in the settlement areas of the landless peasants. But in view of the great needs in the whole parish, which had only one priest, we started the mission by helping in the formation and guidance of the communities in the rural area. We collaborate with the economic council, in the ongoing formation and organization of basic communities. Our mission is to be present in the place where we live and to assist in the formation of the leaders of the communities, to provide celebrations of God’s Word, to baptize, to guide and provide formation for the groups of young people.
In addition to our pastoral work, we also care for our own religious community. We study the articles in the Convergence magazine of the CRB National, as well as the Bible according to the guidance of CEBI. We study the English language and we have one day of silence a month dedicated to prayer. We seek to shape our life by our pastoral work, living in our community and our prayers.
Our address:
Rua José Mendonça, 45
Bairro Vila da Caixa
CEP. 56.580-000 IBIMIRIM-PE
Available by phone number +5583-98630-8087